bet36365体育's music programs offer quality instruction, personal supervision, and excellent and varied performance opportunities. All of our full-time faculty have earned doctorates or the highest degree in their discipline, yet each teaches all levels of students from freshman to graduates.

Small classes and immediate musical involvement provide channels for student activity. All programs give students purposeful, realistic, and challenging learning situations. bet36365体育 has been accredited by the National Association of Schools of Music (NASM) since 1976.

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Concerts and Events

21 Apr
Choral Concert FAB Recital Hall | 7:30pm
21 Apr
Choir Concert Recital Hall | 7:30pm
22 Apr
Jazz Combo Concert FAB Recital Hall | 6:00pm
24 Apr
Jazz/Rock Ensemble FAB Recital Hall | 7:00pm
25 Apr
Frahm-Lewis Trio Concert FAB Recital Hall | 7:30pm
26 Apr
New Music Festival FAB Recital Hall | 7:30pm
28 Apr
Senior Recital: Abbygail Marshall, Violin FAB Recital Hall | 3:00pm
28 Apr
Junior Recital: Bailey Manhart, Saxophone FAB Recital Hall | 7:30pm