bet36365体育的在线社会学B.S. program moves Maria Bergner one step closer to changing the world

发布:2023年10月21日上午12:00:00 CDT


Two women smiling in front of photo backdrop.

“像明天就会死去一样生活。. 学习吧,就像你会永远活着一样.——圣雄甘地.

这是我的座右铭之一, 这一直是一个口头禅,” 内布拉斯加大学 at Kearney 2022 alumna Maria Bergner said. 
伯格纳完成了她 社会学B.S. 度在线 after experiencing a workplace injury that forced her to reconsider her long-time career in the medical field. She found a calling that incorporated her passion for the medical field and helping those in need. 
“If you want to make a difference in a person's life, you go with psychology. But if you want to make a change that would affect everyone in the world, 你选择社会学,”她说。. 
Originally from the Philippines, Bergner now considers North Platte, Nebraska home. 她的许多人生经历, 热爱学习, and being a self-proclaimed “nerd” have made her quotes, 就像甘地的, 咒语值得. 

“Sometimes you have to row your boat against the waves in order to get to where you want to go.——玛丽亚·伯格纳.

“No matter how much education you have and how many professors you meet in your life, 经验是最好的老师,伯格纳说. 
Bergner has 16 years of experience working in the medical field. The positions she has held within the field ranged from midwife to surgery technician to medical missionary.  
“I started working in the hospital when I was 16,”她说。. “In health care you see the beginning of life and the ending of life. 当你遇到这种情况时, at a young age and have worked in that field for 16 years, it programs your mind to realize what is really important in life.” 
An unfortunate workplace injury caused Bergner to row her boat in a new direction. 
“I'll just go back to school and get a different career,” said Bergner after her medical team encouraged her to make a career change that would be less physically demanding. 

Woman with certificate standing between two professors.

“最好的报复就是偷偷摸摸. 让你的成功来说话.——玛丽亚·伯格纳.

“People who pull you down are the people who want you to remain below them,伯格纳说. “Try to move up and it angers their demons because now they can never look down on you. Your real friends and your real family are the ones who know your worth.” 
Bergner’s father knew his daughter’s worth and made her promise to graduate summa cum laude at bet36365体育.  
However, not everyone in Bergner’s life was supportive about her decision to return to school. She didn’t allow their criticism to shatter her dreams, instead she used it as ammunition to conquer them.  
“他们越是说我不行,我就能做到. Then take pictures and post them on social media. 让他们伤心吧. Never let anyone limit you from what you can achieve,”她说。. 
Some of the pictures she was able to post include being active in bet36365体育的本科生研究员, accepting multiple invitations into honor societies, being awarded the 2022 research paper of the year at the Nebraska Undergraduate Sociological Symposium, and receiving bet36365体育’s outstanding sociology senior award. 
“When you're a nerd, you like learning,伯格纳说. “For other people, it's work but for me, it's something that brings me joy. I'm just after the experience and to learn from it, the awards that I got are just icing on the cake.” 


“You can get an education online and have extracurriculars at the same time. 你可以以全班第一名的成绩毕业. 你可以以最优等的成绩毕业. 这不是不可能的,”伯格纳说. 
Bergner believes nothing is impossible with a whole lot of effort and "the very best professors.” 
“教授们 社会学系 will help you learn a lot and achieve a lot,”她说。. “They will help bring out the best in you. But of course, you have put in the work and not expect them to do everything for you.” 
Bergner also credits bet36365体育 for providing a plethora of resources for online students.  
“I highly encourage students to really tap into all the resources that the university gives you,”她说。. “你有 , 你有教授, 有缩放功能, there's lots of tools that bet36365体育 gives for a student to be successful.”

Woman holding cap at a graduation reception.

“Always aim for excellence, not perfection.——玛丽亚·伯格纳.

伯格纳的目标总是很高, and she has no plans to change that this fall when she begins her online master’s program at the 内布拉斯加大学 Medical Center in Omaha. She will study Public Health with two concentrations, 行政及政策, 以及妇幼保健. 
Bergner hopes to utilize her bet36365体育 sociology degree, 她即将获得硕士学位, and her medical and missionary experience to become an international medical missionary. 
“到处都有很大的需求,”她说. “It's always been in me to help and give back. I have lots of experience working in the missionary field, and I want to help on a much larger capacity.” 
She believes her education will allow her to do just that. 
“When you don't have the degree or the educational backing, you can only help so much,”她说。. “That's the reason why I decided to go back and get this degree so that when I go back in the field, I'll be able to help in a better capacity because I'm not satisfied with what I can do.” 

作者:Heidi Knake

Category: 自然与社会科学, 一般, bet36365体育在线

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